Manchester United recognises its responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy environment and will endeavour to maintain sound environmental performance through our ISO14001 environmental management system. This policy will be implemented by maintaining legislative compliance and having clearly outlined objectives, targets, management responsibilities and employee involvement to continually improve our performance.

Our management systems reflect the unique nature of our business as a major sporting venue, team and brand. We will regularly audit our performance to highlight areas for improvement and measure our progress. We expect the same of our major suppliers and contractors, and will continue to run and develop our best practice supplier environmental management programme. We are also moving towards a more sustainable procurement programme. Contractors working on refurbishment schemes and new construction are expected to meet appropriate environmental standards.

As a world class sporting business, we have a strong relationship with both our commercial partners and our supporters. We will look for ways in which we can leverage our position to influence their environmental activities and encourage them to help us to improve our environmental performance.

Our customers are also becoming more environmentally aware, so we will promote our environmental management programme to them and ensure that we maintain our Green Tourism Business Scheme.

We take our stewardship over the land we occupy, associated water resources and air quality seriously.

We take our stewardship over the land we occupy, associated water resources and air quality seriously:

• We actively manage the biodiversity of the Carrington Nature Reserve and use it as an educational tool when practical. All other landscaping and grounds maintenance is planned with the most positive practical environmental impacts in mind.

• We will prevent pollution to the land, air or water as a result of our activities. We will avoid hazardous processes or materials where suitable alternatives are available.

• We have achieved the Carbon Trust Standard and will continue to build on our developed carbon and renewable energy strategy, to improve our performance further.

• We have already installed rainwater harvesting and taken steps to manage our water use. We will continue to strive to reduce our water consumption across all sites, whilst maintaining pitches and other facilities to a standard expected of a world class sporting venue.

We recognise the need to move towards an economy that keeps valuable resources in circulation. We have taken steps to reduce the amount of waste we produce and divert all operational waste from landfill. We also aim to minimise the use of non-renewable materials, improve our recycling rates and use more recycled materials.

This policy will be reviewed at least annually, and will be brought to the attention of all employees and made available to all stakeholders including the general public via our web-site or on request.

Authorised by R Arnold,
Group Managing Director
Manchester United Limited

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